$4.50 per dozen, or very willing to trade for other home grown produce (except for avocadoes and oranges, we're all stocked up!). Call or drop me a line if interested.
Most eggs will be 'fertile', but if you are buying for hatching eggs, please know that they will not necessarily hatch hens that lay similar eggs. This is because they are all different breeds, all offspring will be mixed with Araucana, because that's what our rooster is.
We can specially select eggs that will hatch desirable crosses (Easter Eggers, or Olive Eggers) who lay blue/ green or olive colored eggs, but none of our eggs will hatch any full breeds. For hatching eggs we also will collect eggs and keep them out of the refrigerator to optimize successful incubation. For eggs hand picked and kept out of the fridge for hatching, we charge $8.00 per dozen and you will likely have to wait a few days.
We can't sell eggs that only hatch hens, but if you hatch any roosters, we'll happily buy them back from you.