Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fireworks on the 4th!

We heard the chickens upset about something in the yard, they were making a racket that usually alerts me to some kind of visiting animal. Went outside and saw something pretty cool among the lemon trees of our neighbor's orchard. A peacock! I assume he must have escaped, in fact I saw someone walking around the orchard earlier in the morning- probably looking for him.
Anyway, this display called for pictures. Very beautiful animal. We lured him in by tossing a few blackberries over the fence.

Happy 4th of July everybody!


  1. Holy crap what a beautiful specimen

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well, it's official. This guy is a regular visiter. I think I'm going to have to rig up some way to feed/ water him outside the fence. I see him every morning now, he knows what time I feed the chickens. A welcome guest!
