Sunday, May 15, 2011


So we had some of our artichokes last night, with some homemade aioli (delicious).. Funny thing was I was making the aioli from memory, and forgot that I need to whip up the yolks FIRST, before adding oil. I had just whipped up olive oil, yolks, garlic, salt, and pepper- all together. Of course it wouldn't come together, and I had to stop and think about it. Not a disaster right? I just started a new batch of yolks (with a tiny bit of lemon, cause I like it), then poured the whole earlier broken batch over it while I whipped. Bottom line was I made an EXTRA rich aioli, since it had about double yolks necessary. And I was left with a whole mess of eggs whites.

So we looked in the garden this morning, found a young yellow squash, and a couple green onions, sauteed those in some butter (with some store bought baby spinach) and then scrambled the egg whites on top.

Don't know about you, but I think egg whites are kind of boring. There was nothing to do now, but feed the scramble back it's own yolks. In the form of a generous serving of aioli of course! Funny how it all works out..

Very tasty. Onion rye toast with butter and raspberry jam on the side.

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